
Showing posts from September, 2024

Cognitive Biases and Their Impact - 25 (Placebo Effect)

Placebo Effect Definition The placebo effect materialises when a person's conviction in the effectiveness of a treatment or intervention generates perceived improvements, even if the treatment itself lacks any active substance or utility. This phenomenon underlines the profound influence of the mind over bodily or operational outcomes. Discovery and Origins The concept of the placebo effect was discovered in the mid-20th century, although its roots can be traced back to ancient medical practices. The term "placebo," derived from the Latin phrase "I shall please," was initially used in the 18th century to describe treatments given more to please the patient than to have any therapeutic effect. One of the earliest documented cases highlighting the placebo effect occurred during World War II. American anaesthesiologist Dr. Henry K. Beecher observed that when he ran out of morphine, he could inject soldiers with saline solution and tell them it was a powerful painki