
Showing posts with the label Formation of Cognitive Biases

Cognitive Biases and Their Impact - 1 (Confirmation Bias)

Abstract: This series of articles explores cognitive biases comprehensively, decorating their fundamental nature, intricate formation, and pervasive influence on human lives. It unveils various distinct cognitive biases, each a unique lens shaping our perception. Through a rich tapestry of examples, we delve into how these biases intricately affect our personal and professional worlds, unravelling their far-reaching implications. Introduction: The Enigma of Cognitive Biases is the subtle yet powerful lens through which we perceive the world. These perceptual shortcuts shape our understanding and drive our decisions, often without conscious awareness. This article undertakes a journey into the heart of cognitive biases, dissecting their essence, origins, and profound impacts. Defining Cognitive Biases: Cognitive biases are inherent patterns of thinking and judgment that systematically deviate from objective reality. They are the cognitive shortcuts our brains employ to make sense of the