
Showing posts with the label #TheDoonSchool

Sprouts of Hope: Building John Martin Memorial School

H ave you ever seen a silkworm? If you have, that is great; it will help you understand my point more quickly. But even if you haven't, don't worry; you'll still grasp the essence of what I'm saying. Life's significance doesn't lie in the span of time, contrary to what many people think. Rather, it is found in the richness of experiences that envelop our existence, much like silk encases a silkworm. In this analogy, the silkworm itself, destined to be discarded, is of little importance. It is the silk—the experiences that weave around our lives—that holds actual worth. Engaging deeply with these experiences, incorporating them into our conscious and subconscious minds, and deciphering the lessons they impart is an intricate art. This process is vital as it cultivates wisdom, which is then passed down through generations, animating cultures across the globe. Let me share an incident. The story is old, but its essence is timeless. The Doon School decided to suppor