
Showing posts with the label #CognitiveBias

Cognitive Biases and Their Impact - 7 (Negativity Bias)

Negativity Bias Explanation: Negativity bias is a cognitive tendency where we place greater importance on negative information or experiences than positive ones. This means we tend to remember and focus more on negative events or feedback, even when positive aspects are present. Example: Consider a teacher who devotes a disproportionate amount of time dwelling on a single student's disruptive behaviour in the classroom while neglecting to appreciate the positive contributions of the rest of the students. Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (2011) The Fukushima nuclear disaster was a major event with extensive negative consequences. However, in this context, the Negativity Bias relates to how it influenced global perceptions of nuclear energy. The media's extensive and often sensationalised coverage of the Fukushima disaster contributed to an amplified perception of nuclear power's dangers. While it's essential to cover such events thoroughly, this intense focus on the negative a